Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Am a Marathoner

I kicked 26.2’s ass, clocking in at a respectable 4:24:24.  (Even with a potty-break mid-course.)  And it wasn’t as hard as I expected.  I never “hit the wall” after mile 20.  I mean, it got harder at the end, but I never considered walking instead of running when the going got tough because that would mean a slower finish time.  (Ego is a powerful thing.)

My marathon experience was somewhat trite in that I almost cried near the end of the course – not because I hurt, but because I was so emotional thinking about my journey over the past 3 ½ years.  (Screw random health conditions!)  The whole experience was an affirmation that I am tough, sturdy, and that I can do hard things.  It was a really good day.

Also, I have to note some of the creative signs that kept me entertained along the way.  In the spirit of David Letterman’s old Top 10 lists, here were my own top 10 favorite signs spotted along the MCM course:

10.  Someone is chasing you
9.  There is a Kenyan ahead of you
8.  Your feet hurt because you’re kicking so much ass
7.  Run like you stole something
6.  Zombies behind you
5.  Chuck Norris never ran a marathon
4.  You’re winning!
3.  You exercise really good
2.  This is the worst parade ever!  (Where’s my candy?)
1.  Because 26.3 would be crazy

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Running Miles Is Lots of Fun. I Think I'll Run Another One.

I could recap a months worth of running, but that would make me bored just typing it out.  I can only imagine that all of my three readers would lose interest after the first few sentences.  (Maybe I lost you already.)  Sufficed to say that I eased back into my training schedule after injury.  In these  in the last three weeks especially, I met my mileage goals.  I did change up my training by swapping out my regular 5 mile Monday run (which was never part of the schedule I followed - just something I added in for kicks) with shorter 2 mile recovery run on Sundays.  I think that helped keep me limber and not overtrain.  And this past week, I tackled what was the most intimidating part of my training plan: an 18 mile run on Oct. 3 followed by a 20 mile run on Oct. 11.  Major accomplishments.  I have now entered my taper, and I'm feeling excited and confident (but also happy to give my body a little rest.) 

When I finish this marathon, I don't know if I'll sign right up for another marathon right away, or wait a bit.  Ask me on October 30.  But I must admit I love knowing that I am capable of running these crazy distances.

Weeks 11-15
Miles actually logged: 163.5
Miles I was supposed to log: 171
Pace: 10:00 / mile -- 8:30 / mile, depending on the distance and the day

Today (10/11):
Miles actually logged: 5
Miles I was supposed to log: 5
Pace: 9:40 / mile -- 8:35 / mile (tempo run)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I Can Do This!

My first week back, and I took it slow and easy. I completely deviated from my schedule and worked around when my ankle felt good vs. not so good. I decided that I was running too aggressively early on, so I made sure to slow it down even more toward the end of the week... hence the 10 minute miles on Friday and today. I feel pretty good about this. I am definitely not feeling 100% when I run, but after today, I have the strong feeling I can do this, and that I will be ready to run 26.2 on October 30... albeit slower than I had originally planned for. But that's okay. Next weekend, I plan to do a 16 mile long run. I have also decided that rather than running regular training runs Monday through Thursday, and long runs on Saturday, I'll skip the Monday runs and replace those with shorter recover runs on Sunday. We'll see what this does for me.
And that's it. Now off to the Warrenton airport to watch airplanes dance through the sky all day and cheer on the McShuttle pilot. ("[Insert our last name here] are winners!")

Sunday (9/4):
Miles logged: 5
Miles I was supposed to log: zero
Pace: 9:45 / mile

Monday (9/5):
Miles logged: 5
Miles I was supposed to log: zero
Pace: 9:40 / mile

Tuesday (9/6):
Miles logged: zero
Miles I was supposed to log: 5

Wednesday (9/7):
Miles logged: 6
Miles I was supposed to log: 8
Pace: 9:40 / mile

Thursday (9/8):
Miles logged: zero
Miles I was supposed to log: 5

Friday (9/9):
Miles logged: 5
Miles I was supposed to log: zero
Pace: 10:00 / mile

Saturday (9/10):
Miles logged: 10
Miles I was supposed to log: 16
Pace: 10:00 / mile

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I'm Baaaack!?

I ran.  I ran, I ran, I ran.  And I am happy to say that my ankle survived my first post-sprain run intact. It definitely felt a little sore, but it wasn't a sharp or strong pain, so I kept on.  I set out to do 4 miles, and did just that.  (No more, no less, although I had to talk myself down from doing more than what I set out to when I encountered the packs of Potomac Runners on the trail.  Shockingly, I kept my ego in check and ran smart.)  I am debating whether or not I will run tomorrow or wait until Monday.  It might do me good to rest since I spent the last 8 1/2 hours painting in my kitchen, and my muscles are sore from that.  We'll see what I'm feeling like at 5:45 tomorrow morning.

Miles I was supposed to log: 8
Pace: 9:40 / mile

Miles logged: 4

Friday, September 2, 2011


So I started off week 9 kicking all sorts of ass.  I woke up early each morning (that's right!) and ran before work.  On Saturday, I was on the road by 6:00 (before dawn), planning to run a 16.5 route as my long run, and do it all before Hurricane Irene's winds made the run more challenging.  (Wind = hills = not my favorite thing.)  And I was chugging along thinking only 2 more miles to go, and don't I just rock, and isn't it great that I can run these long distances with pretty much no problem.  And then twist, crunch, crash.  My ankle rolled, and I crumbled to the ground, laying there for a good couple of minutes before I could move.  Fortunately, I had my phone in my water belt, so I called my support vehicle to ask to be picked up.  I had sprained my ankle and I ended up spending the whole day in bed with my foot propped up on a pillow with ice.  Sunday was somewhat similar, except I had no ice with since Irene knocked out our power.  Needless to say that I didn't do any running all week, although today, my ankle feels pretty good (with a sports brace to prevent lateral movement.)  Thus, I am going to attempt to do a short run tomorrow morning.  Here's hoping I'm as ready to go as I think I am, because I am uber-twitchy and need to run.

Monday (August 23)
Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 0
Pace: 9:20 / mile
Tuesday (August 24)
Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 4
Pace: 9:20 / mile
Wednesday (August 25)
Miles logged: 7.25
Miles I was supposed to log: 7
Pace: 9:40 / mile
Thursday (August 26)
Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 4
Pace: 9:20 / mile
Saturday (August 27)
Miles logged: 14-ish
Miles I was supposed to log: 16
Pace: I never stopped my watch after the crash, so I have no idea what my pace was

Saturday, August 20, 2011

14.5 Before Breakfast... How 'Bout you?

Today when I left the house at 6:00, the sun was not yet up and it was barely hovering at 70 degrees.  Awesomeness -- a reminder that Fall is right around the corner.  I cannot wait for this fall.  Running in 60 degree weather.  Tackling my first marathon.  Halloween.  Tall suede boots.  But I digress. 
I set out to do 14 miles today, and ended up doing 14.5.  Why?  Because as I was nearing the 14 mile mark, I all of the sudden felt bad about doing less than I had run two weeks ago, so I pressed on.  I wouldn't want to run with a bruised ego this coming week, so it was worth the extra half mile. 
It also bears noting that my legs felt tired after 12 miles.  I realized after the fact that I forgot to take my second gel.  But I was also running faster than my target pace.  Bottom line: I don't know if my tired legs should be attributed to one or the other, or both.  Regardless, next week I'm scheduled to do 16, so I do need to slow it down.  That will be a challenge because I am half the time fighting the urge to race other runners on the trail.  Yes, I run imaginary races every weekend.  Who knew I was so competative?  Subsequently, it is this mentality which I need to get over so that I don't find myself injured a month before the race.

Miles logged: 14.5
Miles I was supposed to log: 14
Pace: 9:20 / mile

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mixing Things Up

I did some tempo running today.  I started at a 9:40 pace, and worked up to a 8:45 pace.  I threw some incline into the run for extra fun.  It was challenging, but I feel good (and nasty sweaty) now that it's done.  I am grateful that tomorrow is an off day.  While I felt pretty strong at the start of the week, my muscles definitely feel tired today.  I've been vigilant about hydration, but I haven't gotten as much sleep as I should have, so I think this has contributed to my general fatigue.

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 4
Pace: 8:45 - 9:40 / mile

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No New Kicks For You

I went to my local running store today to buy some gels and replacement running shoes (my current pair are close to spent.)  To my horror, I was told that they discontinued my shoe.  What, what, what???  Damn you Brooks!!!  Why can't you leave well enough alone!?  I have been running in  Glycerin 8s since I got orthodics.  I am hesitant to switch to the updated version, so my only other option is to go online and buy out the remaining stock from one of the online giant retailers.  This is sad because I'd rather give my money to the local running store which organizes group runs and puts on races than one of the online stores.  Frickin, frackin.

Subsequently, I'm wondering if I might be close to wearing out my orthodics, too.  I've seemed to have developed a reoccuring blister on one of my toes.  I used some body glide on it during my run today, which seems to have helped, but I can't help but wonder (how Sex and the City of me) if the blister is a sign of worn orthodics?  Or maybe just a sign of lots of miles?  I guess I'll find out soon enough.

As for today's run, it was perfectly fine.  Typical.  Miles 1-3 were more challenging, I loosened up after mile 4, and plowed on through miles 4-7.  I think I need to be better about stretching.  I did a lot of downward dog stretching after today's run.  Hope that helps for tomorrow.

Miles logged: 7.25
Miles I was supposed to log: 7
Pace: 9:40 / mile

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This Mother Runner

I confess - I love blogs.  I do.  And one of my favorites is Another Mother Runner - I faithfully read this one several times a week.  This week, the blog is featuring guest bloggers who have posted on why they run.  I concur with everything that has been said so far this week: running gives me an invisible / baddass badge of honor; it gives me rockin' legs; my efforts are affirmed every time I have crossed any finish line; it's fun to shock people with the distances that I have logged so far and will continue to log; and it's a test of my determination.  I'm sure I will feel the same way about the rest of the posts that go up this week.  And I would also add that in addition to these reasons, I also run because I love hamburgers, and lots of miles means lots of guilt-free burgers.  Yum.  What's for dinner?

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 4
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Monday, August 15, 2011

Back To Me

This has been a pretty crappy last few days, only because of my tooth pain.  And while at the beginning of last week, running actually seemed to cause my tooth not hurt, that didn't last long.  In fact, after my Thursday and Saturday run, I experienced a tremendous throbbing pain in my mouth.  Whine, whine, whine, I know.  But now, I'm fixed.  Woo-hoo.  And now, I feel like me again.  Yay!!!!

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: ZERO
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Saturday (8/13):
Miles logged: 8.1
Miles I was supposed to log: 8
Pace: 9:45 / mile

Thursday (8/11):
Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 4
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Words Words Words

I have no reflective or quippy or clever words today.  I met my mile goal.  That is all.

Miles logged: 7.3
Miles I was supposed to log: 7
Pace: 9:30 / mile

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Running Cures All My Ails... At Least Temporarily

Last week, I broke a molar while eating almonds.  I'll skip all of the gory details, but basically, there was a possibility I was going to need a root canal if all of the dental work that ensued irritated the nerve.  That was Thursday.  Today (Tuesday,) I can say with pretty much absolute certainty that I will need a root canal.  My mouth hurts tremendously.  What does this have to do with running?  Well, the only time my mouth wasn't throbbing was the time I spent running.  That 50 minutes of sweet relief is going to hold me over until tomorrow... when I will call up my dentist and BEG him (for the love of God!) to rip that nerve out.  And I may or may not run 20 more miles between now and then.

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 4
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Miles logged: ZERO
Miles I was supposed to log: ZERO
(Not running when I was supposed to not run is only notable because I have been otherwise running on Mondays.  I skipped yesterday due to a wicked headache and neck pain... I'm such a special care kitty this week.)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Another One Bites the Dust

Things that bit the dust today:
1.  My old record for longest distance ran - before today, that would be 13.1 miles; after today, 14.5 miles.
2.  My old record for most miles run in a week - before this week, I maxed at 35 miles; after today's run, I've hit 37.65.
3.  Me - I had a good crash.  When I realized I was going down no matter what, I made the decision to let my hand and arm take the brunt of it, (you don't need those appendages to run,) and save my knee.  My hand was numb for 10 minutes after.
With each new week, I will continue to break my own records. (Awesome!)  I will also no doubt crash again - that's what I do.

Miles logged: 14.5 (higher only because of a necessary pit stop that added an additional .5 miles to my run)
Miles I was supposed to log: 14
Pace: 9:15 / mile (FAST! Not on purpose.)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wait, Did I Just Do That?

Today's run was a blur.  I did not spend the time doing math in my head or running imaginary races with nonexistent people.  Instead, I spent pretty much the whole time thinking about the buttload of projects that I need to finish at work.  And wondering whether or not the boy was going to pee his pants in the other room.  (Potty training -- so much fun.)

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 4
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

161 Miles in 5 weeks

I'm feeling strong and ready to run.

I just tallied up the first 5 weeks of training and as of last Saturday, I logged 161.5 miles.  This week, assuming I run what I'm scheduled to, I should log the most miles I've ever run in a week (37.15) and the longest run I'll have done to date (14 miles... 0.9 miles more than a half marathon.)  All of this is making me feel very accomplished, and I'm not even half-way through my training. 

At this rate, I am on track to blow out my shoes somewhere between week 9 and week 10.  (My shoes only ever last me 300 miles... 350 if I push it, which I do not intend to do because I have no interest in an injury at this point in the game.)  But I always love me a pair of new shoes, so bring it!

Yesterday (Tuesday):
Miles logged: 5.6
Miles I was supposed to log: 4
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Miles logged: 7.25
Miles I was supposed to log: 7
Pace: 9:40 / mile

Monday, August 1, 2011


Back from our trip.  The long run in Oshkosh was good.  I got up at 5:00 a.m. and hit my route, with a few pit stops here and there.  As usual, the first 4 miles sucked, but I felt good after that.  What's more impressive though, is that I then went and walked around the show all day after that.  I like that I basically ran a half marathon (minus .6 miles) and then felt just fine to do another (relatively) physical activity for the rest of the day.  Yay for strong runner legs!

Subsequently, I tried out a few new gels on my Saturday run.  I can say with certainty that I can cross off the GU gels from the list of gels I'll use in the future.  The consistency was like snot.  Bleh.

Miles logged: 5.25 (pre-flight)
Miles I was supposed to log: 3
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Miles logged: 12.5
Miles I was supposed to log: 12
Pace: 9:45 / mile

Miles logged: 4.5 (with a vacation hangover)
Miles I was supposed to log: none
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cross It Off the List

Run - check.  And now, to do the 101 other things on my to-do list tonight...

Miles logged: 6.3
Miles I was supposed to log: 6
Pace: 9:40 / mile

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Better Days Ahead

The whole time I ran today, I was thinking about my upcoming long run this Saturday in Oshkosh.  I cannot wait to be that far north and do an outside run in 60-70 degree weather.  It's that exciting, that I am mostly able to ignore my (always in the back of my head) fear that I won't be able to find a bathroom if necessary on an unfamiliar route.  But I guess that's why I run with a stash of toilet paper in my water belt.  TMI?!

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 3
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Monday, July 25, 2011

Red Light. Green Light.

I got my groove back.  Or I feel rested.  Or whatever.  But I had a nice, normal run today, minus the frequent interruptions at 10 minute intervals by the boy, who was insistent than I come join in his game of pirate.  To me it felt more like a game of red light green light.  (Poh-tay-toe.  Poh-ta-toe.)  The joys of motherhood.  I say this with not one ounce of sarcasm.

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: None
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Saturday, July 23, 2011


For pretty much all of week 4, I've ended each run thinking "well, it was ugly, but it got done."  The combination of this particularly awful July heat wave plus the little bit of strength training that I added to my workout on Monday was no doubt the main cause of my sluggishness / discomfort / soreness this week. Today was no different (well, except that I was no longer sore from the strength training.)  But with ample water breaks (where I walked as I drank), energy gel, timing my run for the crack of dawn, and the fact that this week was my first mini-taper in long run mileage, it got done.  And yes, I still happily inflict this pain on myself.  (Although this week, I was just a little less happy to do this than others.)
Miles logged: 8.2
Miles I was supposed to log: 8
Pace: Somewhere between 9:30-9:40 / mile (exact pace hard to say -- a multitude of traffic lights and a bathroom break made the math hard, since I don't exactly know how much time was lost there...)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Too Hot to Function

Unless you live in Seattle or have not left your house in a week, you are likely being tormented by the ridiculous heat wave scorching the country right now.  Well today, it officially hit us here in DC.  I have been hot since I walked the dog at 7:00.  And even running on the treadmill tonight, in a temperature controlled environment, I was still feeling the heat permeate from the window in front of me as a ran.  (Yeah, our windows are crap.)  I was so not feeling my run today.  Furthermore, I am completely dreading the long run scheduled for Saturday (as the low Friday night is only supposed to get down to 81.)  If I'm lucky, when I head out the door at 6:00 a.m., it will only be in the low 80s.  Yuck.  I'm over this heat, and wishing that I still lived in San Luis Obispo.

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 3
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pour a Little for My Fallen Homies

It was over 3 1/2 years ago that we bought our treadmill.  At the time, I was trying to get pregnant but had not yet been successful.  I started walking 2-3 miles a day on the treadmill, and within the month, I was pregnant.  No kidding.  Clomid did nothing for me except to make me hormonal, crazy and stressed out, but a little bit of physical activity, and all the sudden I was knocked up.  I walked all of the way through a particularly complicated pregnancy, which I am quite positive kept me healthy enough to handle all of the randomness that happened health-wise during that time in my life.  I took six weeks off post-partum to recover from my c-section, and then back to it.  When after a few months, I decided I wanted more of a challenge, I threw a little bit of running in during my daily walk.  By the boy's first birthday, I was running 5 miles a day, and the rest (as they say) is history.  Today, I run because it keeps me healthy.  I run because it makes me feel strong.  I run because I can.

All of this to say that I think my treadmill is close to death, and that makes me sad.  I figure I've logged a little over 4680 miles in the last 3 1/2 years, about 2/3 of which were on that treadmill.  My mechanic is working on it now to see if we can coax a few more months out of it, but if it lasts that long, I'll be impressed.

Miles logged: 6.35
Miles I was supposed to log: 6
Pace: 9:30 / mile

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Boom-boom. Boom-boom.

Today, my quads feel like massive tree trunks, and I am totally feeling the lunges I did yesterday.  I didn't run so much as I stomped along on the treadmill.  Hopefully, tomorrow I will feel normal again.

Miles logged: 5.65 + a whole lot of downward dog to stretch out my legs after the run
Miles I was supposed to log: 3
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Monday, July 18, 2011

"Hello Michelle. It's been 286 days since your last yoga session."

So yeah... Saturday when I said that I could have run for miles and miles more than my scheduled 12, well it's good that I didn't because today, I was sore.  Not hurt sore, just tired-muscle sore.  So I opted to just do a slow and easy short run and then augment my workout with strength training.  (Subsequently, my strength training program of choice was Wii Fit, which reminded me that it's been 286 days since my last session.  Oops.  Best intentions and all that.)  I have a feeling that this is the week that I will start cutting down on the mileage of weekday runs to so that I can better recover from the long weekend runs.  At this point, my plan is to listen to my body and play it by ear.

Miles logged: 3.5 + strength training
Miles I was supposed to log: 0
Pace: 9:40 / mile

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pack Mentality

Today I had one of those runs where I just kicked butt. I ran 12 miles, and when I finished, I felt invigorated, strong, and that I could go on for quite a big longer.  (5 more miles? 10?)  That would of course been completely stupid to do just 3 weeks into my training, but this feeling is exactly what keeps me going at this.  Raah!

I opted to run with a local running group this morning, which no doubt contributed to the energy of today's run.  There is something about trotting along in a group that helps me push on ahead more easily and with less concern for the passing miles.  I've run with this group a few times before, but typically, things like wanting to sleep in later, logistical challenges, or not liking a particular route have kept me from participating in their group long runs.  That said, today shows me that I'm better off to just suck it up and make it happen because I'm liking the feeling of this whole group-run thing.

Miles logged: 12
Miles I was supposed to log: 12
Pace: 9:30 / mile

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Today, I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and got my run in. Go ahead and pick yourself up off of the floor.

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 3
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You Get What You Get

I got my hair cut today (on a lark I might add.)  It's not quite what I asked for.  I wanted a short bob, but I got another shoulder length bob with layers... that I hope I don't have to go back in a week and get fixed like I did the last time because my hair had that 90's Rachel / mushroom look going on. 

I have to confess that the strong desire to come home and do a trial run fixing my new haircut was almost enough to distract me from running.  But I managed to exhibit some self control and do what I am supposed to do.  That is all.

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 5
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Um. Err. Uhh.

I am terrified of public speaking.  Moreover, I am someone who is not naturally inclined with this ability.  In fact, in front of a group, I tend to lose all ability to communicate like a normal person.  Unfortunately, my job sometimes requires me to do a little bit of public speaking.  So, when the opportunity presented itself to attend a professional development course designed to improve public speaking skills, I signed up.  The course took place this morning, and as as you might expected, involved completing a number of exercises meant to hone public speaking skills.  This was all fine and dandy when I was sitting at the conference table engaging in back and forth dialogue.  However, at the end of the course, we all went through the exercise of standing up as individuals and giving an impromptu formal speech in front of the class.  When it was my turn, I proceeded to do every single thing that they had taught us not to.  I said "ummm" so many times that I even distracted myself from what I was saying.  And I kind of danced back and forth as I stood in place.  And I used my hands inappropriately.  And my eyes bounced around the room so quickly that I looked like I was on crack and had no ability to hold eye contact with anyone.  I was without a doubt the worst in the class.  It was awesome, in a completely awkward and humiliating sort of a way.

So what does any of this have to do with my marathon training?  Well in short, this morning's experience is what I mulled over for the last 50 minutes as I ran to nowhere on the treadmill.  But on the positive side, I was so distracted by my thoughts and reliving the horror of the morning, I plowed through the run like it was nothing.  Perhaps before I do the Marine Corps Marathon, I'll steal the mic from whoever is starting the race and give a little speech all about me.  No doubt that would fuel me to finish the race in 3 hours.  Go me!

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 3
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Monday, July 11, 2011

As Graceful as an Ogre

Today, it took me 4 miles before I felt warmed up.  And then I stopped briefly at mile 4.5 to check on the boy, who was banging away on something in the other room (a drum, as it turns out.  So at least it was appropriate hitting.)  The break messed up my groove.  And after that, I felt like I was stomping along as I ran like an ogre.  It wasn't pretty.  But I finished nonetheless.

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: ZERO
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Climbing My Mount Everest

So taking inspiration from my brother's discipline, I dragged myself out of bed and was out the door by 6:00 am this morning.  I did an out and back run so that the driver of my support vehicle did not have to forgo sleeping in on Saturday just to pick me up from wherever I might go on a particular day.  (As I usually pick a favorite coffee place as the end point for a long run, this also meant forgoing the immediate chai latte that typically awaits me .  What?!  Chai lattes are basically like chocolate milk.  Just replace the chocolate with delicious spices, and it's the same thing.  Yummy protein to rebuild my spent muscles.  But I digress.)  What a difference from last Saturday!  I didn't even go through half of the water in my belt.  I had a good, strong run up until mile 8(ish), when I came to the nasty hill that starts the mostly uphill final leg of my return to home.  The first big hill I ascend has a grade of like 100%.  (Okay, that's an exageration, but it's steep.)  And I know the trick to conquering these things is fast, short steps.  So I dug in... but with each step, I grew slower and slower.  And I finally got to the point where I recognized that I could move faster if I were walking briskly.  Subsequently, this was at one point when a squirrel popped out from behind a bush and just starred at me coming up on him, without flinching, and then slowly turned and sauntered off.  I was half way up that first hill, and I conceded to walk until the grade became reasonable.  The rest of the run was okay, but my quads definately felt spent after that hill.

Miles logged: 10.4
Miles I was supposed to log: 10
Pace: 9:45 / mile

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I frequently do math in my head when I run.  I'll just be trotting along while calculating fractions, doing division, and doing multiplication.  'Cause I'm cool like that.  My college calculus professor (Prof. Stodgehill) would be so proud.  If he weren't too busy flinging erasers at me.  'Cause he was cool like that.

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 3
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"No mommy, you are the runner..."

Totally random story, because I'm a woman / mother and it's my prerogative to convey such stories.  Anyway, while getting the boy ready for bed the other night, he asks "where's daddy."  I respond that daddy is downstairs running, to which the boy emphatically states "no mommy, you are the runner!"  Yes, yes I am.  Which I will admit pleases me to no end that "runner" is part of his definition of mommy.  Anyway, we then went on to talk about that one day, maybe all of us could run a race together, and wouldn't that be fun?  I wonder, is 3 years too young to compete in the tough mudder series?

Miles logged: 6
Miles I was supposed to log: 5
Pace: 9:40 / mile

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Two for One

I like days off.  It's easier to run in the morning when I can wake up at my leisure and head out when I am good and ready.  Which I did yesterday.  And then went about my day.

Miles logged: 5.75
Miles I was supposed to log: Zero.  Nada.  None-at-all.
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Fast forward to today.  It felt like a Monday run, and I didn't even pretend that I was going to try to wake up before work and pound the pavement (or as I do on weekdays, pound the belt on the treadmill)... which I will admit that I do at least half of all weekday mornings.  And honestly, I don't know that I've done a run before work once in the past six months.  Which is funny, because back when the boy was first born, I used to wake up at the crack of dawn (literally) and get my day started on the treadmill.  I don't know what happened there.  Perhaps when he started sleeping later, I felt obligated to do so as well.  Hmph.

Miles logged: 5.65
Miles I was supposed to log: 3
Pace: 9:15 / mile

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hot As Hades

I had every intention of waking up at 7:00 so that I could get my run in before the heat kicked up.  Yeah... that didn't happen.  I didn't leave the house until almost 8:45, at which time is was already nice and hot.  Lesson learned?  Wake my lazy ass up out of bed on time for Saturday long runs.  On the plus side, I met everyone at St. Elmos at the end of my run and had a giant chai latte to "recover" my muscles.
Miles logged: 8.04
Miles I was supposed to log: 8
Pace: 9:30 / mile

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Salty Runner

I read an article today about "salty runners".  According to the article, some runners sweat out a ridiculous amount of salt when they run.  I fall into that category, or at least the little online test that accompanied that article would lead me to believe that I do.  And for a person who works to keep the amount of sodium in their diet down, you might think this is good.  But not so much.  This actually makes you more sluggish when you run and affects your muscles.  The fix is a sports drink.  So I guess that means I'll be doing my long runs and toting along Gatorade (in addition to the exciting gels).
Miles logged: 5.75
Miles I was supposed to log: 3
Pace: 9:15 / mile
Tomorrow is a rest day.  I won't lie - I'm totally looking forward to the day off.  My legs are tired after logging almost 30 miles in the past 5 days.  I'll be spending the day with the boy at the water park.  Yay for summer hours and vacation time!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hump-Day Run

Today, I ran from home to the park in Old Town where I met the boys. 
Miles logged: 5.25
Miles I was supposed to log: 5
Pace: ???  I forgot to start my timer before taking off.
Despite starting out at 7:00 and the temperatures and humidity being relatively low, it was HOT!  Thank goodness MCM is in late October, as I'm much less of a badass in the heat.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Today is the first day...

Of the rest of my life?  No.  Maybe.  I don't know.  But it was the first official training run of my very first marathon. 
Miles logged: 5.5
Miles I was supposed to log: 3
Pace: 9:40 / mile (slow and easy, as my legs are a little sore from all of that boardwalk running last week)
What can I say?  I've been running a mimimum of 5 miles a day for the past year and a half.  3 miles just felt like it wouldn't be enough.  And you know, I couldn't feel free to eat a giant hamburger without my daily 5.  Maybe I'll cut back on the midweek mileage when my long runs get longer.  I make no promises.
I guess that is all.